I have spent some years in school and college and have seen students celebrate Friendship's day with great elan. All sorts of ribbons , the colors of which could put rainbow to shame are seen all over. Over the years , I saw it evolve. Students write things on their friend's arms and by the time, that day ends, you look like a totally different creature. I have seen people pledging to stay friends forever and being there for each other in times of need.
I am able to analyze this now that I am out of college. There are a lot of ribbons and stuff, but once you are out of college, these ribbons lose strength.But for a few SMS's, most of these great friends cease to even keep in touch.
I am not putting the celebrations in negetive light nor am I as tradational as some political parties, but I feel that TRUE FRIENDSHIPS are those which stand the test of time. I have realized that the friends that I have made in the early years in school are the ones who are always there. I ought to mention my friend SUBU with whom I have been friends for the last 22 years. We have been friends for so long that its almost like being twins. That to me is the greatness of friendship.
I am not a philosopher nor am I as wise as King Solomon to advice but one thing I can say for sure is that whether you are in school, college, graduation or PG, you will only make one or towo genuine friends, the earlier you know who they are the better for you. It is better for your own good to keep some so called friends at bay, who are acting friends just because you are of some use to them . The moment your utility ceases, so does the friendship.
So, if you have the ability to make the right kind of friends, they influence your life so much that you become a different person all together. My best buds are eternal optimists and over the years, there positivity has rubbed of on me to a great extent. So, make the right friends and you are automatically in good company and will lead a great life ( which is what I wish for all of you)...
I am able to analyze this now that I am out of college. There are a lot of ribbons and stuff, but once you are out of college, these ribbons lose strength.But for a few SMS's, most of these great friends cease to even keep in touch.
I am not putting the celebrations in negetive light nor am I as tradational as some political parties, but I feel that TRUE FRIENDSHIPS are those which stand the test of time. I have realized that the friends that I have made in the early years in school are the ones who are always there. I ought to mention my friend SUBU with whom I have been friends for the last 22 years. We have been friends for so long that its almost like being twins. That to me is the greatness of friendship.
I am not a philosopher nor am I as wise as King Solomon to advice but one thing I can say for sure is that whether you are in school, college, graduation or PG, you will only make one or towo genuine friends, the earlier you know who they are the better for you. It is better for your own good to keep some so called friends at bay, who are acting friends just because you are of some use to them . The moment your utility ceases, so does the friendship.
So, if you have the ability to make the right kind of friends, they influence your life so much that you become a different person all together. My best buds are eternal optimists and over the years, there positivity has rubbed of on me to a great extent. So, make the right friends and you are automatically in good company and will lead a great life ( which is what I wish for all of you)...
Hi ,
I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘Vimal Pillai’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;
BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run www.rambhai.com where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!
This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)
Hi Ray,
Thanks for the appreciation
I tried out this site and found it quite interesting.
Why dont u help me link posts on rambhai as you help your IIM friends
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