Sunday, July 5, 2009


A blog post after almost two months... and a very depressing one at that! Before you close this window as you are likely to do with my other blog posts, I amn't going to write about nuclear bombs and bloodshed.
In school, history teachers taught us all from the Mughal invasion of India by Babar in 1526 to the Britishers coming in and ruling through the 17th and 18th century. The ways of invasion and the style of ruling has changed over the years. The British ruled in the era of Industrialization and the wars fought then were all about sophisticated weapons.
The 21st century is the Age of Information, and as I notice, the next wars will be the ones fought on the web. I have been fortunate to lead web communications for my company, Financial Technologies (India) Ltd,( ) and in the three months since taking up this role, I have realized that today's wars are fought on the web. Blogs, Social networks, Bookmarking, Folksonomies,.... companies resort to all these things to compete.
And if studies are to be believed, the average time spent on the web per week is on the rise and there isnt a better way to capture mindshare than enhance your web presence. So, if Google has captured the mindshare for search, the Bings and the wolframalpha's are trying their best to outclass it. The number of social networking and bookmarking sites are also testimony to the fact that companies seek to be all over the web so the demand for such sites will be there and new ones would keep coming even if you have Linkedin and Facebook and bookmarking majors like Digg and Delicious.
Companies have also come up with innovative ways to have more eyeballs and mindshare on their online presence such as community initiatives. Under the tutelage of my Director - Communications, Mr. Miten Mehta, I have been learning the importance of the same and our community initiatives at Financial Technologies ( and I am amazed at the interest that it has garnered in the financial community. Barely an year old, but there are companies vying to feature there. I have had people from start-ups, authors, established brokerage houses and banks etc. calling me just to feature in various sections of our community initiatives.
The bottomline is, if my experience in the last three months understanding and learning the web is anything to go by, the web is the future.So all you professionals out there, if you don't know a thing or two about SEO, Offpage optimization,Affiliate programs and so on, its time you put your act together and enhance your web presence else you would be lagging behind in the rat race before even realizing it!
So gear up your arsenel and prepare yourself to fight the virtual wars... for the ones who take a headstart are likely to prevail!