Sunday, August 31, 2008


For all those people who dont know me personally, let me tell you something about myself. In my all India CBSE exams in standard 10th, the least marks I scored were in a subject called Science... but I opted for the science stream.Thereafter, I have graduated with a course in IT and went on to get a masters in Marketing. Where am I working now? A technology company providing solutionsfor the financial markets. I have no qualms about admitting that I am not very Tech-savvy and finance is greek and latin to me... but then language has always fascinated me. I feel great if I read a well-written article or a good book.
When in school, I had some very knowledgable English teachers. You all might have attended lectures on figures of speech. Among the 20-odd that were there, one which caught my fancy was oxymoron. I still remeber the example the teacher gave... XYZis a gentle giant
An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms. Over the years, I have heard a lot of examples of Oxymoron and i love hearing them in a line.
Let me quote some instances.
Sachin Tendulkar is insanely talented ... as told by a famous cricket commentator
Kareena Kapoor is brutually honest ... read this in a magazine
He is a dumb genius
I heard SRK saying in an interview " For that , you got to be obnoxiously handsome... just like me"

There are so many such fascinating ones... and i am sure the people who happen to read this will genuinely believe that I have gone berserk or I have become "the last five alphabets of the title of this article "... but there is a certain minority out there who are fascinated by such words. .. and to that certain minority ... pls feel free to add to the list above

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friendships day

I have spent some years in school and college and have seen students celebrate Friendship's day with great elan. All sorts of ribbons , the colors of which could put rainbow to shame are seen all over. Over the years , I saw it evolve. Students write things on their friend's arms and by the time, that day ends, you look like a totally different creature. I have seen people pledging to stay friends forever and being there for each other in times of need.
I am able to analyze this now that I am out of college. There are a lot of ribbons and stuff, but once you are out of college, these ribbons lose strength.But for a few SMS's, most of these great friends cease to even keep in touch.
I am not putting the celebrations in negetive light nor am I as tradational as some political parties, but I feel that TRUE FRIENDSHIPS are those which stand the test of time. I have realized that the friends that I have made in the early years in school are the ones who are always there. I ought to mention my friend SUBU with whom I have been friends for the last 22 years. We have been friends for so long that its almost like being twins. That to me is the greatness of friendship.
I am not a philosopher nor am I as wise as King Solomon to advice but one thing I can say for sure is that whether you are in school, college, graduation or PG, you will only make one or towo genuine friends, the earlier you know who they are the better for you. It is better for your own good to keep some so called friends at bay, who are acting friends just because you are of some use to them . The moment your utility ceases, so does the friendship.
So, if you have the ability to make the right kind of friends, they influence your life so much that you become a different person all together. My best buds are eternal optimists and over the years, there positivity has rubbed of on me to a great extent. So, make the right friends and you are automatically in good company and will lead a great life ( which is what I wish for all of you)...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Recently, I read an article about the upcoming Olympic games in China. The inaugration ceremony is planned on 8th August 2008 at 8 minutes and 8 seconds past 8. So, in all it makes a wonderful combination of 8/8/8/8/8/8. I like the Chinese for their way of doing things. They have ensured that this will stand out and brand this olympics. The efforts on their part for the games has been great as well. They have taken steps to ensure all facilities, keep pollution in check and so on.
I am not too sure if the Chinese have planned this based on numerology but I have heard that the number 8 is associated with extremes(either extremely good or disastrous). Going by that the Olympics will be either a GRAND SUCESS or a disaster. I wish that it turns out to be the former and Asia gets to host more and more events of International Recognition.
Another event as far as Indian movie buffs are concerned is the release of " SINGH IS KINNG" which is also on the 8th of August i.e 08/08/08 . If you go by the fate associated with 8 , this film will be either a Blockbuster or a dismal one. Again , I hope it is the former and going by the title, I am sure all my " Singh" friends would flock to their nearest multiplexes and ensure that it is a super success.
The eternal optimist that I am, I would wish well for both the events and hope that they attain unparelleled success.